Situation Red: The UFO Siege
Author: Leonard H. Stringfield (Author)
Title: Situation Red: The UFO Siege
In 1973, a virtual epidemic of flying saucer sightings occurred. What was most disturbing was that they seemed to be different from earlier sightings. For instance, there was an increasing incidence of physical injury, dangerous interference, and outright abduction of observers by mysterious beings associated with the phenomena.
This carefully documented book presents dozens of incredible yet unimpeachable cases of ordinary men and women who were suddenly caught up in events stranger than the wildest science fiction.
Who are these visitors to our planet? What do they want? Why does the Air Force seem to fear disclosure of the truth? These are the questions that have created "Situation Red" - a state of emergency for mankind and our entire world.
This special reprint features a Foreword by Major Donald Keyhoe, former head of NICAP, as well as an extended Appendix containing shocking documentary evidence of the UFO siege.