Better, Deeper And More Enduring Brief Therapy: The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach


Author: Albert Ellis (Author)

Kindle Edition, 314 pages.

In Better, Deeper, and More Enduring Brief Therapy Albert Ellis, the founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, describes how REBT can help clients significantly improve in a short period of time and effect a profound philosophical-emotional-behavioral change-more often that can be achieved with other popular forms of therapy. In a comprehensive, accessible format, Dr. Ellis offers his theories, practices, verbatim sessions, and other materials that help describe how REBT can be a valuable asset in psychotherapeutic treatment.

Reviewed in the United States on 25 September 2023 by Bob. B.
"This may be the most important book you need for your counseling & therapeutic interventions!"
I started using RET after reading Ellis’s first book!

In the past 45 years of doing counseling, psychotherapy, therapy & brief therapy with over 4,500 elementary-high school kids & hundreds of parents on the west coast, it is a phenomenal set of techniques that really work exceptionally well!

You don’t need to spend dozens of client contract hours to make a positive impact on a person’s irrational thinking!

Elbert Ellis, in my mind, is our modern day wizard!

I have certified in numerous therapeutic psychological best practices interventions!

If you need, or only have 30” to make a difference in a persons life… this is the best intervention I have ever found & continuously use!

If you don’t have this book, and become proficient with these techniques, please purchase this book and add it your library!

You won’t be sorry!



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